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Return to Player Character Biographies


Born into a family of millers, Robert was the second son of three sons. His brothers are named Aaron (28) and Gabriel (21). He has an older sister Ruella (30) and a younger sister Carmella (23). His parents, Tamend (53) and Joyella (48), are both still alive, as are his maternal grandmother and his paternal grandfather. His grandfather, named Aaron (70), lives at the family home with both of his parents and his younger brother, and himself when in the city. The other siblings are married and all have two children, with a third on the way for his older brother. Robert knows all of their birthdays and makes sure to visit on those days and attend family holiday events. Despite that, he does not much enjoy long days spent with the family.

His early life was spent, as all boys in his family spend it, learning the trade of the Miller. He was well on his way in the trade when an accident struck his uncle, who lived in Cape Tolya. Robert’s father sent the young teenager to help his brother out until he had fully recovered. For two years, Robert lived in Cape Tolya and worked in his uncle Larent’s clock shop. During that time, Robert’s vision began to worsen. Not so bad that a cleric was needed, but bad enough that it became an annoyance. Also during his stay in Cape Tolya, Robert’s uncle sent him to learn self defense under the tutelage of Arleian Forestwater. His uncle traded a clock for the two years of lessons. At the age of seventeen, Robert headed back to Messada.

Robert was lucky enough to be able to afford college with the help of his father and brother-in-law. The courses he took were very interesting, and he did well enough. Something did not sit right with him about the college. By the end of the first semester, he had figured it out. He went for a second semester and confirmed what he had thought. The vast majority of students, and many teachers as well, were not his type of people. Dedicated to the wrong things, aloof, and often little real world experience; Robert had enough of the college life. He promised to pay back his brother in law and father, and looked for employment. He traveled to Cape Tolya during the winters to work and remained in Messada in the other months. While in Cape Tolya, he would work at his uncle’s, while in Messada at his father’s.

When he was at college, he met a beautiful woman named Maude Silverforge; at least beautiful in his eyes. Like Robert, she did not care for college. However, lacking anything better to do and at the request of her parents, she remained after he left. When she finally graduated, having taken courses mostly in art, she was free to do as she wished. Robert proposed and she accepted. However, her father demanded a dowry. A demand that was only made because of Robert’s family background, but one that Robert had to honor nonetheless. First on his list of things to accomplish is the collection of enough coin to pay the dowry, which is set at 250 gc.

For a year, Robert moved from job to job, trying to find the perfect match for both his skills and needs. Neither work at his father’s or uncle’s shops would pay enough for him to pay back his debts and collect enough for the dowry, as well as live on the coin. Bartending did not last long. Laborer was too low paying. He was entertaining, but the students that had graduated the college were much better. Employment outside the city did not appeal to him at all. His vision prevented him from taking on some jobs, his beliefs others. When the events in the west began to occur, opportunity struck. Robert wanted to part of mining or travel into the wilderness. Nor did he want to join the military. But as others did, jobs opened up in Messada. One that caught his attention was that of constable. A noble, reasonably well-paying job with a chance for rewards. He signed up, and passed enough of the qualifications to be accepted.

Robert’s family all belong to the faith of Stasis. He too worshipped Stasis until his first stint in Cape Tolya when an introduction to other religions made him question Stasis. He made a show of things for the next few years. Time at the college further soured him on Stasis. In hindsight, he was wiser than he knew as recent events have made him confident that his decision was correct. It was foreigners, evangelists from Nomagrok named Grimdrek and Reik that gave him a new faith. Having never cared if a deity was a cult or a religion; it made no difference to Robert that these dwarves praised the cult of Drunnbar. He listened, and more than that he heard and saw the actions of the two. Drunnbar’s emphasis on self reliance over magic and his embrace of unarmed combat both appealed to Robert, but mostly it was the charisma of those two that won him over.

Silverforge is the last name of your lady love. The family is known for their service in the military and arms manufacturing. At present Colin Silverforge is one of the High Generals of the Army (Othu Adyr (Warlord)). He is a hard merciless man. Fortunately he is Maude's uncle not her father. Her father is Duncan. He is a weaponsmith of considerable skill but now runs the family business. The Silverforges are not fantastically wealthy as they sell their arms only to the government and do so at lower prices than they could get if they sold to the public. They are considered fanatically patriotic.

The Feyali teacher in Cape Tolya is a Cleric/Feyalin of Tyrogatore named Arleian Forestwater, a half elf of Northern descent. He hopes to become a keeper some day. You clashed with him from time to time has he reminds you of some of the College professors and his concerns seem otherworldly too often.