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New Skills


You have learned through experience, training, or both, what to expect and how to deal with the creatures of the world.  This skill is more oriented towards magical beasts and monsters as opposed to pets or farm animals. 

           Check:  This skill allows you to answer a question about a specific creature.  This could be anything from what a Griffon’s favorite meal is, to what happens if a Basilisk gazes at you, to what must be done to totally defeat a Vampire.  The difficulty of the check depends upon two things: how specific the information is, and how commonly known is the creature.  The specificity of the question is determined by the DM, and falls into one of the following categories: General (DC 13), Average (DC 18), Specific (DC 25), Exacting (DC 35).  This difficulty is modified by the rarity of the creature.  This rarity is on a scale from 10 to 1, where a 10 is the most common creature and 1 is a unique creature.  A rarity of zero means that the creature does not exist on Habololy.  The rarities of the creatures of Habololy can be found on the table below.  Second names on the table for creatures are the name of a creature, as it is known on Habololy. 

           Retry:  No.  If the check is failed, the character simply has not gained that information.


KNOWLEDGE (HISTORY) (Int; yes; no)

Your knowledge of when and what has happened in the past.

           Check:  A successful check allows you to know of an event that occurred or to correctly identify when an event occurred if you already know of the event.  The difficulty of this check depends on the event in question.  The timeline in Chapter 8 has a listing of the difficulty checks with the events.

           Retry:  No.  If you miss the check, you simply don’t know the information.

           Special:  A character receives a bonus to this check dependant upon race, class, and nation of origin.  For example, a jungle elf would have a better chance of knowing when his won kingdom was founded than a Gree would.  A bonus of +5 is appropriate.  A character with an education would also receive a bonus.  Any character that has attended an actual school, such as a bardic college or wizard academy, receives a +5 bonus to any history check. 



You have learned what types of technology exists, how it works, and how long it has existed for.  This learning could have occurred through experience, schooling, or both.

Check:  A successful check allows you to give an appropriate answer to a question involving technology.  This question could relate to what the invention does, who invented it, how long it has existed for, or how to use it.  The DM determines the difficulty of this check.

           Retry:  No.  If you miss the check, you simply don’t have the information.


LEARNED FEAT (n/a; no; no)

Though a great deal of training, you have learned a feat.

           Check:  There is no check.  Once you have learned the feat, you may use it whenever applicable.

           Retry:  No

           Special:  Every time a character devotes five skill points to the Learned Feat skill, the character may choose a feat that is noted with a [4] in the <a href="../Feats/General%20Feats.htm">Allowed Feats</a> list.  A character may have at most one plus his intelligence modifier learned feats.  A character may not take more than one learned feat per level.  In general, the rules for a learned feat are: any feat that has an intelligence based skill as a prerequisite, any feat that has an intelligence score as a prerequisite, any feats whose prerequisites are already learned feats.  All Item Crafting feats can be learned.  No Metamagic feats are learned.


LITERACY (Int; no; no)

You know how to read and write.

           Check:  Only necessary if attempting to read or write something written poorly.

           Retry:  This skill may be retried once per day on the same document.  It may be used multiple times a day, only if used on different documents.

           Special:  Every time this skill is taken, a new language is picked.  This skill is a prerequisite for the Decipher Script and Forgery skills.  For every three ranks of the Literacy skill taken, you receive a +1 synergy bonus to the Decipher Script and Forgery skills.


Learning New Skills from Old Ones

           It happens that a character may, for any number of reasons, no longer need or be able to use a certain skill.  For example, a character with the listen skill may lose her hearing.  Without the ability to hear, the skill points spent on the Listen skill become useless.  The character may choose to learn a new skill with the points used on an old skill.  Since part of the characters experience derives from using old skills, some of the experience that character has already gained is lost when switching skills.  This process also takes time.  Although the exact amount of experience and time are up to the DM, a fair estimate would be one month of training and 100 experience points lost per point of skill that a character moves from one skill to another.

Existing Skills


CRAFT (Int; yes; yes)

Listed below are the available craft options on Habololy:

  • Alchemy

  • Armorsmithing

  • Basketweaving

  • Boatbuilding (for Huge size and smaller)

  • Bookbinding

  • Bowmaking

  • Blacksmithing

  • Calligraphy (Forgery)

  • Carpentry

  • Cobbling

  • Composing (Perform - Instrument)

  • Gemcutting

  • Glassblowing

  • Jewelry

  • Leatherworking

  • Locksmithing (Open Lock)

  • Painting

  • Playwright (Perform - Acting)

  • Poisonmaking

  • Pottery

  • Ropemaking (Rope Use)

  • Sculpting

  • Stonemasonry

  • Tatoo'ing

  • Trapmaking (Trap Sense)

  • Weaponsmithing

  • Weaving 

  • Wordsmithing (Perform - Comedy)

Special:  There are a variety of synergy bonuses that a character can gain through the craft skill.  Listed above, next to the type of craft, are any skills in which the character receives a synergy bonus when they have 5 or more ranks in the craft.  In some cases, the synergy may not be to another skill, but to an ability.  Note that for all crafts, a synergy bonus to the Appraise skill for the appropriate craft applies.



KNOWLEDGE (Int; no; no)

Listed below are the available knowledge options on Habololy.  Under each knowledge are examples of what the skill allows a character to do.

  • Arcana (Spellcraft)

    • Recognize an arcane symbol.

    • Determine how a construct is made.

    • Determine how a magic item is made.


  • Architecture and Engineering (Search for secret doors)

    • Explain how a structure was built.

    • Design a new structure.

    • Determine the age of a structure.

    • Determine who the creators of a structure were.

    • Find the weak points or strong points of a structure.

  • Creaturelore

    • Determine a type of creature from sight or description.

    • Explain the weaknesses of a creature.

    • Describe the lifestyle of a creature.


  • Geography (Profession - Guide)

    • Name the seas of Habololy.

    • Determine the direction to a location.

    • Determine the fastest way to get from one location to another.

    • Explain how locations are located in relation to each other.


  • History (Bardic knowledge)

    • List the rulers of a nation.

    • Describe a war.

    • Explain the movements of races and cultures.

    • Know when events occurred.


  • Local (Gather Information in locality)

    • Recite legends and lore.

    • List notable residents.

    • Understand the laws.

    • Know customs and traditions.

    • Describe the demography.

  • Nature

    • Answer questions about plants.

    • Predict the weather.

    • Describe the climate.


  • Nobility and Royalty (Diplomacy)

    • Recognize heraldry.

    • Describe the lineage of a family.

    • Know the disposition of a ruler.

    • Recite the creeds and mottoes of nations.


  • Religion (varies based on Religion)

    • List the deities.

    • Describe the motivations of the deities.

    • Know the relationships between deities and religions.

    • Recognize holy symbols.


  • Planar (Survival in outer planes)

    • List the planes.

    • Describe conditions on each plane.

    • Understand magic connected to the planes.

    • Know the beings and creatures native to each plane.


  • Technology (Tinkering)

    • Explain what a specific clicker does.

    • Know when a specific clicker was first designed.

    • Determine how far advanced a clicker is.


  • Warfare

    • Describe strategies.


Special:  There are a variety of synergy bonuses that a character can gain through the knowledge skill.  Listed above, next to the type of knowledge, are any skills in which the character receives a synergy bonus when they have 5 or more ranks in the knowledge.  In some cases, the synergy may not be to another skill, but to an ability.  There are other scientific knowledge skills which exist on Habololy, but they are not useful to non-tinkers.



PROFESSION (Wis; no; varies)

Listed below are the available profession options on Habololy:

  • Apothecary

  • Barrister

  • Boater

  • Bookkeeper

  • Brewer

  • Cook

  • Diplomat

  • Driver

  • Farmer

  • Fisher

  • Guide

  • Herbalist

  • Herder

  • Hunter

  • Innkeeper

  • Lumberjack

  • Miller

  • Miner

  • Porter

  • Rancher

  • Sailor

  • Scribe

  • Siege Engineer

  • Stablehand

  • Tanner

  • Teamster

  • Woodcutter