Young New World season 3

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Return to Young New World

Session 13: Arrival in Amatom (4/10/816 to 7/10/816)

  • After entering Amatom, the group follows Avia through the grasslands. AFter several hours, they are stopped by a force of gnomes who then lead them to an outpost. At the outpost, the group is questioned and eventually given a choice. Pass a test of sincerity or leave. They agree to the test and are sent to a nearby town.
  • Arriving at the town, the group is lead in and put into a traveler's lodge. They are told that they will help the defense of the town against the next attack by Horari-like soldiers. Their mission will be to stop runners from reporting back to the main camp. It is unknown when the next attack will come, so they rest and wait.
  • The are not kept long, and are called to action early the next morning. Lead over the wall and around to the rear of the attacking force, they wait for the runners. The attackers are driven away from the town after several minutes, and the runners are sent. The group awaits them and the plan is going well until Wren lights their weapons with fire and gives away their location. The runners stop and a froce of 25 breaks away from the main force to attack the group.
  • Rano's arrows thin the ranks as the others await the charge. Ezra sneaks out to deal with some hiding runners. Figment unleashes pixie dust on everyone, apparently aiding them. The battles lasts under a minute as the group is lucky and skilled at eliminating enough of the charging group to force them to withdraw.