There are two versions of the deity, one as it is known on Habololy and one as it is known on Astilan.
Pronounced [ar sur' a nee o del]
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Arsuranyodel on Habololy
(Father Earth, Nature’s Guard)
The bringer of life to Habololy has always had one of the most influential and largest religions. No one is ignorant of the fact that Habastly is the first among the four creators. He actively ensures that his world does not fall to the evils of the cults.
The clerics and the faithful of Habastly can be found in most places, even if in only small groups. They all have at least one thing in common, life. They fend off the imbalances in nature that can be created from all directions.
Habastly respects the existence of every member of the Counsil. His clerics aid any cleric of the Counsil as long as they are not harming life. In contrast, every deity that chooses to remain on Habololy outside of the guidelines of the Counsel is his sworn enemy. Their reverence towards life prevents Habastly and his clerics from waging open war on the cults, but does not stop them from banning and sanctioning them.
Habastly appears to his faithful in all manner of natural guises, from a human, to a treant, to a spider.
Power: Greater God
Symbol: The sun crossed by a staff.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Aspects: Nature, Life, Plants, The Sun
Plane of Existence: Prime Material
Domains: Creation, Earth, Plant, Sun, Weather
Favored Weapon: Staff
Turn Undead: Turn Undead
Back from the Dead: Any
Favored Class: none
High Temple: Habastalai
High Cleric: Harold Lastelm
Number of Faithful: 3,500,000
Associated Groups: Grovetenders
Dogma: Without nature in balance, the world would end. All living things that are in the cycle of life must be respected. Death is the end to the cycle, and therefore natural. Those things outside of the natural cycle and order of things are the greatest evil.
Feast Day: Day of Life
Arsuranyodel on Astilan
(Sister of Dresta, Creator of the night, Protector of the Weak)
Power: Greater Deity
Symbol: ???
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Aspects: ???
Plane of Existence: Elysium
Domains: Redemption, Prophecy, Repose, Vision, Air
Weapon Proficiency: Simple Weapons, Bows
Armor Proficiency: Light Armor
Tool Proficiency: none
Saving Throws: Charisma
Skills: Choose two: Insight, Medicine, Nature, Persuasion or Religion
Turn Undead: Turn Undead
Back from the Dead: Any
High Temple: ???
High Cleric: ???
Number of Faithful: ???
Associated Groups: ???
Dogma: ???
Feast Day: ???