Skadigav Events (season 1: 1+)

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Return to Skadigav - Where All Paths Meet

Session 1: A Trouble with Water (???)

• Much of the city goes to the town plaza to attend an announcement by the mayor. He tells the people that a saboteur has struck and damaged the water supply, which is a danger in the dry season. He offers a reward for anyone that can find and capture the perpetrator.

Session 2: Who Benefits (???)

• ....

Session 3: Under New Management (???)

• Ulfric arrives in the city looking for work, led there by a band of Pale Gnome travelers.

• Once in the city, he goes to Luder's, and meets the new owner Gopal who offers him work watching a shipment. Gopal arranges that he will travel with his nephew and Valentino the next day to guard several wagons.

• Meeting the next morning, the three head east along the road at double time. They come across the two wagons and set a trap for the bandits.